(I) CTG-Industry Collaborative Trials (CTG-ICT) scheme
This scheme supports ICTs that involve both clinician and company contributing intellectual inputs and funds to conduct the trials on novel or pre-existing drugs/medical device/interventions for new indications.
This scheme does not support trials that are fully funded/sponsored by companies. Such trials typically do not require the clinicians’ intellectual inputs as the clinical trial protocol has already been designed by the company, and the clinicians’ involvement is more for subject/patient recruitment.
The prerequisite for application is PI’s ability to obtain industry contribution of at least 70% (cash or in-kind) of the Total Project Costs (TPC). The TPC and industry contribution will be based on the Research Collaborative Agreement (RCA) between the host institution (HI) and the industry partner.
- In IGMS, pls ensure that:
(i) the industry contribution is clearly indicated on the ‘Pre-award - Industry Contribution’ Excel template. The RCA should clearly indicate the budget information (cash and/or in-kind contribution)
(iI) the draft RCA is uploaded in the “Other Attachments” section/tab. The draft RCA should clearly indicate the budget information (cash and/or in-kind contribution).
- Pls note that:
(i) Only industry contribution incurred in Singapore will be considered as admissible.
(ii) the admissible in-kind drug cost contribution from the industry partner is limited to equivalent to the non-drug cost contribution (please refer to CTG section of the NMRC Grant Call Roadshow slides for an example of the calculation).
(iii) If the project is awarded, the PI/HI will be required to:
- ensure that the industry contribution is met at the completion of the awarded project.
- submit the updated amount of industry contribution received (with supporting documents e.g receipts, invoices), together with the annual progress report..
Funding Quantum and duration
The scheme will cover up to 30% of the Total Projects Costs inclusive of 30% indirect costs.
Funding quantum for each project is capped at $4.94M per project and for a duration of up to 5 years.
Review Process
All applications will undergo a streamlined review process and the review process will take about 2 months after application endorsement by HI.
Grant Call Frequency/Submission
This scheme is open for application until 1 Aug 2025, i.e. no formal grant calls will be held.