26 Apr 2021 - 18 Jun 2021


The objective of CG is to provide funding support to the Public Healthcare Institutions/Clusters to build up their core research capabilities in terms of common research platforms, shared resources (e.g. equipment) and core manpower to enhance their collaborative and transdisciplinary research productivity in achieving progress towards the RIE2025 goals of healthcare research.. It is to capitalize on the institutional research capabilities, and aid in the development of shared resources that can support the healthcare institution’s/cluster’s or partnering entities’ research in a focused area. The CG encourages collaboration and coordination of research efforts within the institution/cluster or across the different healthcare entities focusing on the same area of research to disseminate research findings for the benefits of the community. The CG should not be used to establish independent shared resources that duplicate existing institutionally-managed resources if the latter is already providing cost-effective, accessible and quality service.

All CG applications are required to detail how CG funding will be used to develop an overall programmatic structure within the institution/cluster or across partnering entities to provide a unity of purpose, a centralised platform for sharing resources, and a management structure necessary to achieve progress towards the institution’s/cluster’s or partnering entities’ research agendas. The plans should also include a process for integrating education and training of healthcare professionals (or biomedical researchers, where relevant) into the programmatic research efforts.



Funding Quantum:

Under the RIE2025 CG framework, there are three funding categories:

Funding Category

Funding Quantum & Duration



CG Category 1 – Established Centres

Up to $20mil
over 4 years

  • To support individual Public Healthcare Institutions (PHIs) in strengthening existing research capabilities to meet the CG’s objectives
  • To support individual Regional Health Systems (RHSes) in developing/strengthening capabilities in population health research
  • Open to all the eligible PHIs and RHSes
  • PHIs, which are applying under this category, are not allowed to apply under the Cat-3 (Developing Centre)

CG Category 2 – Collaborative Centres

Up to $7mil over 4 years

To support joint collaborations between two or more PHIs in strengthening existing research capabilities to meet the CG’s objectives

  • Open to all the eligible PHIs

CG Category 3 – Developing Centres

Up to $3mil over 4 years

To support individual PHIs in developing new/existing research capabilities to meet the CG’s objectives, under the mentorship or guidance from a named co-partner that can be an entity or an individual

  • Open to all the eligible PHIs
  • PHIs, which are applying under this category, are not allowed to apply under the Cat-1 (Established Centre)

Areas of Focus:

All CG applications are required to demonstrate what the translational outcomes of the research strategies are; whether they are aligned to achieving the relevant aspects of the RIE2025 HHP goals^ in terms of transforming and protecting the health of the nation, through one or more of the following: (i) good healthcare outcomes at sustainable cost, (ii) population health, preventive health, epidemic preparedness and response; (iii) data-centric healthcare and digital health; and/or (iv) achieving quadruple aims (i.e. improving health outcomes, keeping per capita cost manageable, improving care experiences and keeping providers satisfied).

Specifically for CG Cat-2 (Collaborative Centres) applications, priority consideration would be given to those that focus on at least one of the 7 MOH-prioritised disease domains: (i) Cancers, (ii) Cardiovascular diseases, (iii) Infectious diseases, (iv) Eye, (v) Metabolic and Endocrine, (vi) Neuroscience, and (vii) Mental Health.
^The RIE2025 HHP goals are to better transform and protect health, advance human potential and create economic value for Singapore


Please click here for the application form.

Please click here for Annex C – RIE2025 CG Performance Indicators Definitions (to be provided)

It is mandatory for all applications to be submitted to NMRC by Fri, 18 Jun 2021, 5pm. All applications must be endorsed by the Institutions’/Clusters’ Heads as the Centre Grant is an institutional-level funding. Late submissions or incomplete applications (including without endorsement) will not be accepted.

Please click here for a copy of the RIE2025 CG briefing slides