The Bioethics Advisory Committee (BAC) was established in 2000 to examine ethical, legal and social issues arising from research on human biology and behaviour and its applications; and to develop and recommend policies to the Singapore Government, on legal, ethical and social issues, with the aim of protecting the rights and welfare of individuals, while allowing the biomedical sciences to develop and realise their full potential for the benefit of humankind.

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Under the funding initiative, the Centre for Biomedical Ethics (CBmE) focuses on capacity-building and fostering an ethically responsible scientific community through academic bioethics teaching and its training modules on research integrity (e.g. publication ethics, patenting the use of new discoveries, navigating potential conflicts of interest).  It also seeks to grow a cadre of national bioethics experts at CBmE, the BAC Secretariat, and among Singapore’s clinician researchers (in particular, leading clinician researchers and NMRC grant-holders) by assembling working parties to publish and widely disseminate position papers on important developments in translational science and medicine to engage the scientific community in consensus-building and debate. 

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