27 Feb 2023 - 05 Apr 2023

Call for Proposals – Round 4 Healthy Longevity Catalyst Awards

The Healthy Longevity Catalyst Awards will reward bold, new, potentially transformative ideas to improve the physical, mental, or social well-being for people as they age, and in a measurable and equitable way. In particular, we seek ideas that will extend the human health span through innovations in disease prevention, biology, mobility and function, social connectedness, productive longevity and more. Ideas could focus on early-, mid-, or late-life, as long as it ultimately promotes health as people age.

Topic Areas

While the Catalyst Awards is open to all applications relating to the broad topic of healthy longevity, applications that are focused on Cognition will be prioritised for funding. Examples include projects related, but not limited to, topics on preventing or managing cognitive decline and impairment, encouraging or optimising senior learning.

Applicants are also encouraged to consider proposals with multi-disciplinary themes. For instance, twinning of Cognition as the main topic/focus area with other disciplines or subjects such as  technology and social sciences etc.

Evaluation Criteria

Selection of successful proposals will be based on the following evaluation criteria:

  • Innovativeness: The extent to which the proposed idea challenges existing paradigms and employs new methodologies or concepts. (This is the most important criterion.)
  • Potential for Impact: The extent to which the proposed idea may influence the physical, mental, or social well-being of people as they age.
  • Scope: The extent to which the proposed idea represents a challenge impacting the entire field, and not solely the interests of the applicant.
  • Quality: The extent to which the proposed idea and the research methodology are clearly explained and includes a compelling or well-defined outcome metric.


The Catalyst Awards will be open to teams representing public and/or private sector institutions/organisations across all disciplines. Individuals are not eligible to apply. While there is no restriction on the nationality of members in the project team, the entity represented must be legally registered in Singapore. Consortiums with Singapore-registered entities are also eligible to apply.

Funding Quantum

The Catalyst Awards will provide a funding quantum of up to SGD200,000 (inclusive of 30% indirect costs) for up to 2 years.

Important Dates to note

The timeline for key activities under the Catalyst Awardsis set out below: 

Activity Date
Public Briefing 22 February 2023
Call for Applications  27 February 2023
Deadline for Project Proposal Submission 3 April 2023
Announcement of Results September 2023

Submission Mode and Deadline

It is mandatory for all applications to be submitted and endorsed by the Director of Research (DOR) online via IGMS by 5 April 2023, 5pm*.

NICPO will not accept any late/hardcopy submissions or submissions from individual applicants without endorsement from the Host Institution.

Please click here to download the slides shared during the Public Briefing on 22 February 2023. You may also access the Q&A document here.

The Healthy Longevity Catalyst Awards Application Guide and Templates downloadable here. These will also be available for download at the IGMS website during the application period (27 Feb 2023 - 5 Apr 2023).

^Please note that the Public Document within the Application Guide package has been updated as of 3 Mar 2023.
*Due to technical issues, please note that the deadline for proposal submission is now extended till 5pm, 5th April 2023.

Announcement of HLCA 2023 Grant Call Results

The HLCA 2023 results will be announced at the two-day Global Innovator Summit Virtual event which will be held on the evenings of 26 and 27th September 2023.

Interested parties are encouraged to register here for the virtual event